Sunday, June 20, 2010


That's my nickname at Breakthrough.
what's funny is after I had said I had no plan of changing my name to a nickname (see the last post),
I got my nickname. Us 3 Adrian/ennes were trying to come up with nicknames. and 1 was like "whose the oldest?". so she was like to me you will be A1, and then that lead to A-sauce. so now everyone calls me A-sauce.
Only problem is I still gotta get used to when someone says Adrian that they aren't talking to me. It's kool though. I'm debating whether i will have my students call me Mr.Adrian or Mr. A-sauce or Mr. Sauce.. Any thoughts?

Now the retreat was awesome. I can say I learned some things about myself.
1.) I'm definitely not scared of heights.
I did the high ropes courses and zipline without any sense of vertigo. I was just afraid of falling and injuring myself. Btw at the end of the high ropes course we had to jump off this high platform at the top of a tree and try to catch a trapeze. I was one of the few ones who caught it. The only thing I didn't like was how the harness on both the ropes course and zipline affects the crotch area.
2.) I don't play basketball, and should probably just give up.
I tried to play basketball, failed miserably, but I was just trying to do stuff outside my usual-ness since I was in the mood. I did make one free throw shot, that surprised me.
3.) I think mountains are so beautiful, even though it just a bunch of rocky materials and such.
4.) I actually 'lived' in the rocky mountains for two days. awesome!

Speaking of that, Here's a couple views I woke up on those days.

(my personal favorite)

(turn your head)

(yes that's snow)
the view was so amazingly pretty. there's even more views from like when we were coming up and down the mountains (apparently we were 9,000 feet up there) that were juts so amazing, but we were driving so it was really hard to get pictures. 

Other than that, 
I think everything is going good. I'm getting more excited/scared as the days approach when I'll have to stand in front of those students and teach a lesson. But I will be fine.

I think that's enough, I need to finish my homework: our Philosophy of Teaching. 



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