Saturday, June 26, 2010

On Monday, It begins.

The students arrive. And Breakthrough Kent Denver goes into full effect.
Each day waking up probably 6ish, going to bed probably 10,11 ish.
Working on Lesson plans, teaching math and reading, playing games, getting to know the children.
I'm so excited, and still scared. Even though know I definitely feel SO much more prepared than 2 weeks ago, I just don't know who the students are, and how they'll respond to me and such. But I know everything gonna work out eventually, and I'll be like "why was I scared?".

As I said before, I'm teaching the STARS and this is their third and final year as a student in the program. They do different things than the other students, for instance they will be doing community service day one a week starting I believe the 3rd Week. They also do an outing, in the past it has been going out to dinner. We (6 of us) as STARS teachers go with them of course. Each student, including 7th and 8th grader is put into a family. Each family has 3 teachers, who each teach core subject. My family consisted of 20 students. But then each teacher teaches two classes, so I will have 10 in each, which is not a big class size at all.

But crazy place where I'm teaching, the GREEN Room, and let me tell you, it's so creepy. It's in the dungeon (the basement of the school) and you like walk down this stairs, makes you feel like your in a dungeon cuz of brick walks and short 'circular' stairs. and then you walk down this hallway to get to the classroom, and there's like writings on the wall. My first venture to the GREEN room, the hallway lights were off, so it was just extra creepy cuz we had no idea what was on the wall. but the actually green room is nice, and a good thing is It'll be cool all summer.

Other updates, I finished all my lesson plans, and all my worksheets I believe too. Tomorrow I have to call six of the students' parents in my family, just to let them know about Monday. so that should be interesting, considering I have to speak to two families that might only speak Spanish.

Oh I almost forgot. So the STARS unlike the other grades usually come together for everything they do (there's only two families as compared to the 4 for 7th grade and 3 for 8th grade). and each family has a theme, our is STAR WARS, so we got to like draw trace pictures of Yoda and R2D2 and color them and stuff on Friday. yeah. my r2d2 is so cool.

Oh yeah I can talk about Bruce, Bruce is the Math Master teacher. He's been teaching math for a long time. But I just wanted to say Bruce is pretty awesome. He's funny, and so knowledgable. But he was really intimidating at first because he's SO TALL. Like that was my reactions we I first met him. I literally was like 'ur tall'.

As usual, everyone's been good, the staff and admin everything. I'm just ready to start teaching, and begin this awesome summer.

okay that's it.

A-sauce (I really love this nickname)

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