Sunday, July 11, 2010

Guess it's about time for an update...

It's been about a week....
Things are going pretty well. I'm fully immersed in teaching and Breakthrough. I love it! 
I think teaching is what I'm gonna do with my life. Being the teacher is so GREAt! and I just love my students so much, and I just love the program. 

Funny thing happened this friday though. On the previous day we learned/reviewed AREA, so I basically had the students "build" my cousin Q-sauce (from Barb B Que sauce) fence for his walrus. Each group got a different shape rectangle, trapezoid, circle, and triangle. But the shape had to have 24 square feet. So for my first class, we went outside, and what did we see>: A SNAKE, a gardensnake. So of course all the students (esp. the girls) were freaking out. But then one of the boys, is like taking a yard stick ruler and picking up the snake, playing with it, while I'm steady like "BUILD your fences!". any ways the snake starts moving, get around the bottom of a small tree, and the boy is still playing with it. Then its starts hissing. And that's when I was like let's go back inside. It totally made my day though, because you definitely can't lesson plan for that. Btw I did know that there was snakes back there, the admin had told us early to be mindful of that. But I hadn't seen any snakes since we had been there, so I didn't think nothing about it. 

Also I definitely took pictures of the snake

(see my student with the yard stick playing with it, I guess I wasn't making better by taking pictures of it)

(cool shadow picture)

Sometime last week, I think it was Wednesday, it was like celebrity dress up day. and I was eating lunch with this students who were Indian (not native american) or is the term South East Asian. Anywayz they were telling me who they were dressed up as, and they were like differently celebrities from Thailand. It was really cool, for them to be so open with me to share they're culture and language. And it make me realized how diverse the program is. Like there's Blacks (including Africans), Latinos, Mulisms, Asians, Middle Easterners, you wouldn't think Denver would be so diverse. And not only is this program culturally diverse. The students are at all kinds of different levels. Like I have students within my 18 member family, who know everything I'm teaching and those who are struggling. It's quite amazing. I didn't think this program would be this diverse.

Also I can officially say this now, I actually feel apart of the Kent Denver Breakthrough family. Last Wednesday (my mom's bday), I had to give Vision, and vision is where a teacher stands in front of the students and gives their vision for the day, what they would like people to do. It's highly motivational. And I talked about people who gave up something for us to be here. And I don't I felt something. It was really cool. And it just let me know not only can I be a GREAT teacher, I can motivate my students to be something and to Do something. But as I was saying I feel so much apart of the family. It's great when students I haven't even met (we have about 200 students) say "ASAUCE!" it so kool.

I think that enough updating. Wait I did want to mention that I played the trumpet on Friday. How on earth did this happen you ask? Well friday was Olympics Day so families were competing against each other. And Christine had the idea for opening ceremony and it involved me playing the trumpet. Of course I didn't bring one with me, but she go so I played it. Even though I really didn't want to play my trumpet in front of everyone, I did it and it was fine. That's one thing though we are trying to get the students to do, step outta their comfort zone, do things they never did. So as teachers we have to example. Otherwise I probably wouldn't done it.

Okay that's really it.
Hope you read all that if you didn't, BOO!
until I update again. Same time next week? Idk.


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