Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last post in Denver......

SAD :( man my journey is coming to an end. I seriously can't believe it. I just remember coming out into this situation so hesitate, not knowing exactly what I was getting myself into. But truly, this has been a life-changing experience. I've learn so much about my self mainly,  I WANT TO BE A TEACHER! ahhhh. Finally, I got some type of clue what I want to do with my life. This whole summer was a validation of what I've been saying I wanted to do since senior year high school. But to finally put into practice was so amazing. I just felt so comfortable in that teacher role, like it's totally made for me and mine.

And I'm totally gonna miss all my students. They were my 1st students there's no way I could ever forget them. Man, best students ever, even if they didn't alway do well with the material or do what I told them to do,  I still love them ultimately. Who would've known that these 17,18 teenagers would have such an impact on my life this summer.

I'm totally gonna miss all the staff as well. Tomorrow is my last day with them. It's amazing how even though I was only out here for about 2 months, I feel like I've known some people for so much longer, and that's really, really amazing to me. Like I wish I could bottle some of them up and take them with me back to Illinois, because I know we would have so many good, funny times.

I'm just gonna miss that Breakthrough spirit, and I know for sure my student teaching experience will not be as fun, but I'm hoping just as rewarding. This summer just made me want to go straight into teaching, forget about this last year of school, but I totally gotta go through this so I can get my degree and certification, poo-ey.

I'm excited to go home though, and see my family, and eventually make it back to E-town and see all mis amigos, gosh I wish you guys would've went through this experience with me. It was just so great.

I definitely want to come back to Colorado one day, maybe as a teacher??? idk. Probably not, but who knows at this point. I definitely want to come back and visit the Denver area, and of course the Breakthrough community, where ever that will be in the future. Will I return next year? I don't know. But I heard something about a Chicago Breakthrough, if that happens  I'll definitely get involved with that for sure.

Well, that's really all I got this point, this is probably my last post on this blog in Denver, unless I randomly update tomorrow night, my flight's at 6:00 am so who knows....

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