Thursday, August 19, 2010

BKD Withdrawal

It's officially been one week since I departed with my dear ol' BKD,
and I have severe BKD withdrawal.
It's like an addiction. The more I tell myself not to think about how amazing my summer was, the more I think about everyone and everything from Denver. One memory here triggers something from there, from my homestay, to the students, to the weather, to the staff, to just everything. And I try to bother myself with things of the upcoming year, but I just keep thinking about BKD all the while.

Maybe it'll get better once I actually get back to school. Hopefully. Time can only tell.

But I'm actually kinda scared about my student teaching experience. Because although BKD was an awesome experience, I'm trying not to hold that has the regular, expected  teaching experience. But I still want to hold on to making learning fun and exciting. I mean realistically kids HAVE to be at school and don't choose to be there, so why shouldn't I make it fun for them, in the process of teaching them something. I don't want to think that I know what I'm doing then completely bomb ya know. I mean I'm very sure everything it going to work out in the end. They always do. So I'll  try not to worry about Student teaching,
instead I'll probably continue to think about BKD, even though I probably shouldn't.

that's all, just a random little post.
a-sauce (no calls me that here, which is also very weird)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life without BKD

It's manageable....but I just think about it all the time.

This Monday was horrible! I didn't know who I was. It's like I went from being this teacher to now this person laying in the bed all day, I just didn't understand. Without BKD, I felt like I had no purpose, like I have no one to teach, no yellows buses to yell at, no BT pledge to repeat, no staff meeting, no spirit clap, no students, no lesson plans, no nothing.

But I'm slowly getting it over it as I'm coming to the realization that I'm a college student going into my senior year, and I have to plan for it in like 3 weeks, when I usually take a whole 2.5 months. So that's like the hectic part I suppose.

I just really miss BKD, it's a hard reality coming back to life just being a student.

But I think I'm going to make this my teacher blog, I'll eventually change the title, maybe not, but I'll update here about how I'm progressing in my profession so yeah. Keep reading, I am not finished!.

That's all.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last post in Denver......

SAD :( man my journey is coming to an end. I seriously can't believe it. I just remember coming out into this situation so hesitate, not knowing exactly what I was getting myself into. But truly, this has been a life-changing experience. I've learn so much about my self mainly,  I WANT TO BE A TEACHER! ahhhh. Finally, I got some type of clue what I want to do with my life. This whole summer was a validation of what I've been saying I wanted to do since senior year high school. But to finally put into practice was so amazing. I just felt so comfortable in that teacher role, like it's totally made for me and mine.

And I'm totally gonna miss all my students. They were my 1st students there's no way I could ever forget them. Man, best students ever, even if they didn't alway do well with the material or do what I told them to do,  I still love them ultimately. Who would've known that these 17,18 teenagers would have such an impact on my life this summer.

I'm totally gonna miss all the staff as well. Tomorrow is my last day with them. It's amazing how even though I was only out here for about 2 months, I feel like I've known some people for so much longer, and that's really, really amazing to me. Like I wish I could bottle some of them up and take them with me back to Illinois, because I know we would have so many good, funny times.

I'm just gonna miss that Breakthrough spirit, and I know for sure my student teaching experience will not be as fun, but I'm hoping just as rewarding. This summer just made me want to go straight into teaching, forget about this last year of school, but I totally gotta go through this so I can get my degree and certification, poo-ey.

I'm excited to go home though, and see my family, and eventually make it back to E-town and see all mis amigos, gosh I wish you guys would've went through this experience with me. It was just so great.

I definitely want to come back to Colorado one day, maybe as a teacher??? idk. Probably not, but who knows at this point. I definitely want to come back and visit the Denver area, and of course the Breakthrough community, where ever that will be in the future. Will I return next year? I don't know. But I heard something about a Chicago Breakthrough, if that happens  I'll definitely get involved with that for sure.

Well, that's really all I got this point, this is probably my last post on this blog in Denver, unless I randomly update tomorrow night, my flight's at 6:00 am so who knows....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Last week with the kiddos

I haven't really thought about, that I'll probably never see any of my students again (unless I come back next year), cuz if I did think about it I  would probably cry for awhile, so I'll deal with that when the time comes (This Friday).
For now it's just my last week, and I'm just hoping to make it the best, by being excited everyday and teaching system of equations like my life depended upon it. Just wanna go out with a bang. But I'm really gonna miss my students, they were my 1st students. Gosh, anywayz lets move on.

On Wednesday, I went camping along with 27 STARS students and the other STARS teachers and 2 admin (Christine and Jackie). It was my first camping experience, and I must admit it wasn't that bad. Probably for one I didn't have to set up a tent by myself (it's actually pretty simple). I didn't have to worry about food (admin brought and COOKED food. Omg those hamburgers we delicious and that potato salad. omg!). All I had to do was be with the students pretty much. We left that wednesday after lunch (well about an hour and half after lunch. See one of the superheroes (previous students of the program hired to help out everywhere basically) got fired, because she was doing inappropriate things with a student, which is a no, no. and anywayz the admin had to have an emergency meeting about it, to fire her so yeah). Back to camping we stayed until about noon on Thursday.  It was a lot of fun. Those students are a trip. Funniest thing from the trip (warning kinda inappropriate) one of my students, yells out 'TITTIES!' so hilarious.

also the boys got the girls back from the sleepover, by concocting this militaristic plan to wet the girls with water. One of the boy teachers, got all mad at the girls, saying there was inappropriate (such a BT word) behavior and that some of the boys were missing, because the boys and girls were separated. anywayz after saying Scott for a second time all the boys ran out and squirted the girls with water, SO Hilarious. The boys were so happy! They stayed up for about 30mins singing this song that was a ridiculous mess about how they wet the girls. But that was like the second highlight of the camping.
Overall again I had a great time, and can say I've officially been camping now.

Also this Friday was YO! which stand for Your Opportunity. This was just a time to get students to think about their future, including high school and college and careers. There was a portion where all the students got the opportunity to be interviewed, which I think was really great. You know you don't get that opportunity when you are in the 7th, 8th grade to practice interviewing. usually you gotta bomb a few first. but that was really kool to see.

There's alot other things I could talk about but I'm just gonna stop here. Need to go to sleep soon for my last week.
oh, here's some pics from the camping trip.
(team-building activity that the students failed at)

(waking up in the woods *rocking the red bandanna*)

(really the mountain are so beautiful)

 ( i was standing on a tall rock thingy)

(it was this rock thingy)

Alright that's it. 